Sunday, October 11, 2009

Hello efusjon Team,

We want to begin by saying that ever since the announcement on Monday of our new bonus program, the response has been overwhelming! Many of you have shared with us some wonderful stories about how this is already improving your business in a big way, and we know that it will only get better! We have added a few new enhancements to our IGNITE Bonus Program. Beginning immediately, all efusjon Associates will be eligible for the Coach Bonus. This means that the Distributor ID number entered in the Coach box must belong to an efusjon Distributor who has achieved the rank of Associate or higher. This may be you, your enroller, a team leader or anyone else who has reached the rank of efusjon Associate or Executive. Just as a reminder, there are no special Coach numbers assigned.
The number that should be entered in the Coach box is the Distributor ID number of the person who will receive the bonus. If no ID number is entered and the box is checked, the enroller’s number will automatically populate there and they will receive the bonus.
We have also added some additional enhancements. The new enrollees in this program will show up in the color purple in your community matrix for the first month only, to help distinguish between others in your downline. This will make it easier to track your progress and the progress of those you are helping to achieve Executive. We are in the process of creating an auto responder to notify you each time your Distributor ID number has been entered as a Coach. This will make it easier to keep in contact with those who you will be helping to achieve Executive.
In addition, you will receive another auto responder notice if they have not achieved Executive status by the 15th day after their signup. This will serve as a reminder for you that they are halfway through their 30-day window to qualify as an Executive. As soon as they achieve the rank of Executive, you will receive notice of that as well. These will begin sending in the next few days.
The new terms and conditions are now available at under the “Get Paid” tab. We hope that these new enhancements will build even more excitement within your team and help everyone to achieve success together by truly paying it forward.

Dawn Snarr
Director of Marketing and Technology

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